Vladamir Propp's Theory

What is vladamir propps theory?
Vladimir prop is a guy who approved upon the idea that the same types of characters are used within all films. The character types that are in films are the following:
The villain
The dispatcher
The helper
The princess (The Prize)
Her father
The donor
The hero
False hero
The villain:
The villain often tens to be against the hero, and is the dangerous character of them all. Most often, the villain in most films is portrayed to look evil and threatening with dark, mysterious clothing. For example in the film scream, the villain wears dark black clothing.
The dispatcher:
The dispatcher is the character that in most films invites the hero to eliminate the evil. For example in the film ‘Avengers’, Nick fury is the dispatcher, which sends the hero to destroy the evil
The helper:
The helper is the type of character with the role in which helps the hero fights against evil. For instance a great example is batman and robin, robin is the helper in this film.
The princess (The Prize):
The princess/the prize is the type of character that needs and most often gets saved by the hero, for instance in the film Shrek, Fiona is the princess.
The donor:
The donor is the provider for the hero that helps the hero by providing objects that will help him with his mission.
The hero:
The hero is the most common type of character; the role of this character is to save the victim (princess/prize). There are many examples in films for instance in the film Shrek, the character Shrek saves the princess Fiona.
False hero:
The False hero is the character type in which at the beginning they are portrayed as being a good character but at the end they turn out evil.