Synopsis Development- Unit 22 and Unit 1
The film follows the story of the killer and how he has become what he is now. The opening of the film will show a flashback to him killing his wife/girlfriend, he then wakes up in a cold sweat and goes over to the TV, switches it on and sees the news report that features a CCTV shot of a hooded character, that matches his description (might not be him) putting a body in the back of car, with the car speeding off. He then hears a knock on the door, he jumps out of the window and runs out into the street bare footed. The story then follows his life on the run before finally he is apprehended by the police as he has been sold out by his friend, as he is hiding in his house. He is then heavily interrogated by the police, during the interview he has multiple flashbacks that lead up to his new found love and how their relationship with his girlfriend builds over time, but it then becomes clear that things quickly turned sour as she was the one who used to manipulate and bully him into giving her money and paying for her gambling her addiction, she also has had multiple affairs, which he hasn’t forgiven her for, she also repeatedly threatened him with her leaving him to start a new life with someone else, he often considers killing her but never went through with it, but this time however he is driven to breaking point where he can’t take it anymore and his anger takes hold, he plots to suffocate her while she is sleeping. But it is unclear if he kills her or not. Meanwhile he is sweating profusely as the questions from the police get more personal and difficult to answer, tension is rising as he is being backed into a corner and forced to confess his hatred of her.
The following is our plot for our whole film. The plot itself is written by Jason H, however the idea behind the story was myself and Liam and Jason. As a group we worked together to develop our general ideas further, such as the characters within the film and the locations too.
Shot by shot Story board
The following is a shot by shot action of what will happen within our opening scene of our film. Myself and Liam Pym (one of the group members in my group) both equally created the shot by shot storyboard showing what is going to happen in the scene (Mise-En-Scene) and also the camera shots in which we will be using.
Story board And-Unit 22
The following is the story board in which myself has created the layout of the story board, the mise en scene of whats going to happen in each shot and also the camera angles whilst Liam Pym has created the draft photos of whats going to happen within the shot.
call sheets
The following are two elements which can be found elsewhere on my site, however we used these two documents in order to create our call sheet for our production. These call sheets are used in order to notify all of the actors and crew when each sequence will be filmed in order to prepare in advance etc