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 Three Act Structure 


What is the three act structure?


The three-act structure is a structure in which film producers follow. The three-act structure is split up into three acts, the first act is usually used for exposition, the second is also reffered to as  rising action and the third is the act that features the resolution of the story.

first act


The second act is the act that contains most, of not all the drama/conflict within the film.  Within the second act, the second act is where we see the hero in action either planning their challenge or even midway their battle to save the prize. 

second act


The first act is the beginning of the film and is roughly the First ¼ of story however this does vary. Within the first act/ beginning of the story we start to fully understand who the main characters are, and most importantly what the main problem that is occurring and going to occur. Throughout the first act the audience should have been introduced to the villain and many other secondary characters. 

third act

The third act is not only the final act, but also the act in which is at its peak in action and scenes are at their most intense point and the dramatic question answered. Towards the end of the scene there tends to always be a happy ending where issues are resolved, or however in some films there ending may be unpleasant and drama continues and constructs itself for a possible sequel. 

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